

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24


Energy Economics是是一份1979年发行的学术期刊,是能源经济学和能源金融领域的重要期刊内容涵盖与能源有关的经济模式和经济概论。期刊被SSCI收录,影响因子5.203(2019),分区排名:Economics, 11/373, Q1。

本期期卷:Volume 108

发表日期:April 2022




目     录


Productivity drain or productivity gain? The effect of new technology adoption in the oilfield market


Qizheng Zhang, Zesen Qian, Shuo Wang, Lingran Yuan, Binlei Gong


Energy effect of urban diversity: An empirical study from a land-use perspective


Xiaoping He


The effects of price competition on firms' operations and market price: Evidence from a retail gasoline market


Kanghyok Koh, Sungho Jeon, Jinhyuk Lee


Community energy projects in the context of generation and transmission expansion planning


Fabián Fuentes González, Enzo Sauma, Adriaan Hendrik van der Weijde


Income, energy and the role of energy efficiency governance


J. Barrera-Santana, Gustavo A. Marrero, Francisco J. Ramos-Real


Welfare-maximising dispatch and pricing of water in a gravity-fed river network


Darryl R. Biggar, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh


Carbon prices forecasting in quantiles


Xiaohang Ren, Kun Duan, Lizhu Tao, Yukun Shi, Cheng Yan


The effect of tax incentives on energy intensity: Evidence from China's VAT reform


Qianling Zhou, Tao Li, Liutang Gong


Does public participation promote environmental efficiency?Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment of environmental information disclosure in China


Hua Zhang, Tiantian Xu, Chao Feng


What determines consumers' acceptance of electric vehicles: A survey in Shanghai, China


Xingrong Zhao, Ye Ma, Shuai Shao, Tieju Ma


Energy transition in the UKCS – Modelling the effects of carbon emission charges on upstream petroleum operations

UKCS 的能源转型——模拟碳排放费用对上游石油业务的影响

Yakubu Abdul-Salam, Alex Kemp, Euan Phimister


Using cognition and risk to explain the intention-behavior gap on bioenergy production: Based on machine learning logistic regression method


Ke He, Lihong Ye, Fanlue Li, Huayi Chang, ... Junbiao Zhang


Time-varying spillover effects and investment strategies between WTI crude oil, natural gas and Chinese stock markets related to belt and road initiative


Zhifeng Dai, Haoyang Zhu


Foreign aid and energy poverty: Sub-national evidence from Senegal


Musharavati Ephraim Munyanyi, Sefa Awaworyi Churchill


Regulatory reforms and the efficiency and productivity growth in electricity generation in OECD countries


Satya Paul, Sriram Shankar


Spatial merit order effects of renewables in the Italian power exchange


Rita De Siano, Alessandro Sapio


Shale revolution, oil and gas prices, and drilling activities in the United States


Shishir Shakya, Bingxin Li, Xiaoli Etienne


How does economic agglomeration affect energy efficiency in China?: Evidence from endogenous stochastic frontier approach


Mengmeng Xu, Ruipeng Tan, Xinju He


Evaluating the impacts of reforming and integrating China's electricity sector


Hao Chen, Jian Cui, Feng Song, Zhigao Jiang


Extreme price co-movement of commodity futures and industrial production growth: An empirical evaluation


Xiaoqian Wen, Yuxin Xie, Athanasios A. Pantelous


Productivity drain or productivity gain? The effect of new technology adoption in the oilfield market


Qizheng Zhang, Zesen Qian, Shuo Wang, Lingran Yuan, Binlei Gong


This article aims to investigate the changing effects of new technology adoption on productivity convergence among oilfield service companies in the context of the shale technical revolution. A club convergence test is utilized to evaluate the competitiveness of each firm with and without new technologies, followed by a productivity catch-up model to identify the effect of new technology utilization over time. Using an unbalanced panel data of 114 major oilfield service companies worldwide from 1997 to 2014, the empirical results show that all firms with shale technologies are converging to the frontier. Increased utilization of shale technologies caused productivity drains when they were first invented, but then led to productivity gains when the technology became more sophisticated. Furthermore, productivity convergence was witnessed during the sample period.

摘 要

本文旨在研究在页岩技术革命背景下新技术采用对油田服务公司生产力趋同的变化影响。俱乐部融合测试用于评估每家公司在使用和不使用新技术的情况下的竞争力,然后是生产力追赶模型,以确定新技术利用随时间的影响。使用 1997 年至 2014 年全球 114 家主要油田服务公司的非平衡面板数据,实证结果表明,所有拥有页岩技术的公司都在向前沿汇聚。页岩技术的使用增加在最初发明时会导致生产力流失,但当技术变得更加复杂时,会导致生产力提高。


Energy effect of urban diversity: An empirical study from a land-use perspective


Xiaoping He


 Rapid urbanization not only consumes substantial amounts of valuable land resources but also changes the pattern of land-use. Diversity of land use measures the functional composition of urban land and reflects the structure of urban activities from a land perspective. This paper explores the relationship between urbanization and energy use, by empirically investigating the impact of land use diversity on energy consumption in urban areas with a panel dataset of prefecture-level cities in China. The instrumental variables method is employed to address the endogeneity of land-use diversity. It is found that the land-use diversity of China's cities has exerted an energy-saving effect, while the effect only works for medium-sized cities. The findings imply the possibility of promoting urban energy saving by moderate control of city size and diversity of land use.

   摘 要   



The effects of price competition on firms' operations and market price: Evidence from a retail gasoline market


Kanghyok Koh, Sungho Jeon, Jinhyuk Lee


We study the effects of price competition induced by entries of thrifty gas stations on incumbent gas stations' operational probabilities and gasoline prices. Using administrative panel data of the entire population of retail gas stations in South Korea, we document that entries of thrifty gas stations decreased incumbent gas stations' operational probability but marginally reduced gasoline prices. Our heterogeneity analysis indicates that the operational probability impacts were greater when the market competition was already intense or when the pre-entry profit margins were low. The previous studies mainly focused only on price impacts of market competition. This study provides novel evidence that price competition might not always decrease market prices if incumbent firms stop operating their business. The results imply that a more complete understanding of the effects of price competition can be possible by jointly estimating its impacts on incumbent firms' operational probabilities and product prices.

摘 要



Community energy projects in the context of generation and transmission expansion planning


Fabián Fuentes González, Enzo Sauma, Adriaan Hendrik van der Weijde


We extend multi-level generation and transmission expansion planning optimisation methods to analyse the impact of the community energy sector emergence on power system expansion. Methodologically, we do this by incorporating biform games and linear production games into the classic power transmission and generation expansion planning problem. The model is formulated as a Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC). Using a stylised example based on Chilean power market data, we show that community energy projects can be an optimal choice for residential customers. Furthermore, we find that community energy projects can widely impact the power system as a whole. Importantly, unlike some large generation projects, they can have positive effects on electricity customers who do not participate in them. Nevertheless, the implementation of net billing schemes, potential competitors for community energy projects, may be preferred when net billing injection prices are comparatively high, there are potentially high levels of confidence about the final payoffs, and there exist comparatively lower investment costs. Yet, we show that, depending on the specific case analysed with our model, it is likely that under the above circumstances nodal prices increase, social welfare decreases, and capacity limitations need to be addressed. The methodology developed in this work can be a valuable tool to examine and better understand the complexities of community energy projects and their interactions with market incumbents.

摘 要

我们扩展了多级发电和输电扩展规划优化方法,以分析社区能源部门出现对电力系统扩展的影响。在方法论上,我们通过将双形博弈和线性生产博弈纳入经典的输电和发电扩展规划问题来做到这一点。该模型被制定为具有平衡约束 (MPEC) 的数学程序。使用基于智利电力市场数据的程式化示例,我们表明社区能源项目可能是住宅客户的最佳选择。此外,我们发现社区能源项目可以广泛影响整个电力系统。重要的是,与一些大型发电项目不同,它们可以对不参与的电力客户产生积极影响。尽管如此,当净计费注入价格相对较高、对最终收益有较高的信心且投资成本相对较低时,可能会首选实施净计费计划,这是社区能源项目的潜在竞争对手。然而,我们表明,根据我们模型分析的具体案例,在上述情况下,节点价格可能会上涨,社会福利会下降,并且需要解决产能限制问题。在这项工作中开发的方法可以成为一个有价值的工具,用于检查和更好地了解社区能源项目的复杂性及其与市场老牌企业的相互作用。对最终回报的信心可能很高,而且投资成本相对较低。然而,我们表明,根据我们模型分析的具体案例,在上述情况下,节点价格可能会上涨,社会福利会下降,并且需要解决产能限制问题。在这项工作中开发的方法可以成为一个有价值的工具,用于检查和更好地了解社区能源项目的复杂性及其与市场老牌企业的相互作用。对最终回报的信心可能很高,而且投资成本相对较低。然而,我们表明,根据我们模型分析的具体案例,在上述情况下,节点价格可能会上涨,社会福利会下降,并且需要解决产能限制问题。在这项工作中开发的方法可以成为一个有价值的工具,用于检查和更好地了解社区能源项目的复杂性及其与市场老牌企业的相互作用。需要解决容量限制问题。在这项工作中开发的方法可以成为一个有价值的工具,用于检查和更好地了解社区能源项目的复杂性及其与市场老牌企业的相互作用。需要解决容量限制问题。在这项工作中开发的方法可以成为一个有价值的工具,用于检查和更好地了解社区能源项目的复杂性及其与市场老牌企业的相互作用。


Income, energy and the role of energy efficiency governance


J. Barrera-Santana, Gustavo A. Marrero, Francisco J. Ramos-Real


Understanding the relationship between income and energy consumption is essential for the correct design of energy policy. Many studies have assessed this relationship, but a careful treatment of two-way causality must be carried out to obtain unbiased estimates. For a set of 32 OECD countries, we construct an energy efficiency governance index (EEGI) for the period between 2000 and 2015. We propose an instrumental variable approach that draws on this index in order to control for two-way causality and characterize the aforementioned relationship. The EEGI affects growth only through energy consumption, favoring a more efficient use of energy in the production process and, thus, fostering growth. The elasticity between (energy-governance-driven) energy consumption and income growth is close to unity, and is almost twice that commonly found in the literature. For the other direction of causality, we construct an adjusted income growth series in which the response of income to energy consumption is ruled out. The resulting elasticity is negative (around −3.0), whereas in the literature it is usually negative. Therefore, energy consumption driven by improvements in energy governance is good for growth, while income growth enhances energy efficiency. Since energy consumption is the main driver of carbon emissions in OECD countries, energy governance could play an essential role in decoupling carbon emissions from GDP growth.

摘 要

了解收入与能源消耗之间的关系对于正确设计能源政策至关重要。许多研究已经评估了这种关系,但必须仔细处理双向因果关系以获得无偏估计。对于一组 32 个经合组织国家,我们构建了 2000 年至 2015 年期间的能源效率治理指数(EEGI)。我们提出了一种利用该指数的工具变量方法,以控制双向因果关系并表征上述关系。EEGI 仅通过能源消耗影响增长,有利于在生产过程中更有效地利用能源,从而促进增长。(能源治理驱动的)能源消费和收入增长之间的弹性接近统一,几乎是文献中常见的两倍。对于因果关系的另一个方向,我们构建了一个调整后的收入增长序列,其中排除了收入对能源消耗的反应。由此产生的弹性是负的(大约-3.0),而在文献中它通常是负的。因此,能源治理改善推动的能源消费有利于增长,而收入增长则提高了能源效率。由于能源消耗是经合组织国家碳排放的主要驱动力,能源治理可以在使碳排放与 GDP 增长脱钩方面发挥重要作用。而在文献中它通常是负面的。因此,能源治理改善推动的能源消费有利于增长,而收入增长则提高了能源效率。由于能源消耗是经合组织国家碳排放的主要驱动力,能源治理可以在使碳排放与 GDP 增长脱钩方面发挥重要作用。而在文献中它通常是负面的。因此,能源治理改善推动的能源消费有利于增长,而收入增长则提高了能源效率。由于能源消耗是经合组织国家碳排放的主要驱动力,能源治理可以在使碳排放与 GDP 增长脱钩方面发挥重要作用。


Welfare-maximising dispatch and pricing of water in a gravity-fed river network


Darryl R. Biggar, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh


With increasing scarcity in water resources around the world, policy-makers are increasingly looking to water trading arrangements to ensure that available surface water is used as efficiently as possible. However, traded water must be able to be transported from its source to its point of use. In many real-world applications this transportation occurs over a gravity-fed river network. The physical characteristics of this network (such as the shape of weirs) determines how quickly water flows from point to point, as well as setting upper and lower limits on the rate of flow. The choice of the path of injections and extractions which maximises overall welfare must take into account these physical characteristics. This paper characterises the profile of water injections and extractions, and the corresponding path of prices, that maximises overall economic welfare, subject to the hydrology of a stylised river network. We illustrate the outcomes of the model in simple water networks, and show how even relatively simple changes in supply and demand conditions can lead to dynamic variation in the profile of prices and injection/extraction across the river system. We show how this model can act as the foundation for a smart market for water trading arrangements.

摘 要



Carbon prices forecasting in quantiles


Xiaohang Ren, Kun Duan, Lizhu Tao, Yukun Shi, Cheng Yan


This paper proposes two new methods (the Quantile Group LASSO and the Quantile Group SCAD models) to evaluate the predictability of a large group of factors on carbon futures returns. The most powerful predictors are selected through the dimension-reduction mechanism of the two models, while potential differences of the statistically significant predictors for different quantiles of carbon returns are carefully considered. First, we find that the proposed models outperform a series of competing ones with respect to prediction accuracy. Second, impacts of the selected predictors over the carbon price distribution are estimated through a quantile approach, which outperforms the mean shrinkage model in our case with data featured by a non-normal distribution. Specifically, the Brent spot price, the crude oil closing stock in the UK, and the growth of natural gas production in the UK are found to impact carbon futures returns only in extreme conditions with a strong asymmetric feature. Importantly, our estimators remain robust against the extreme event caused by the Covid-19. Our findings reveal that the identification of appropriate carbon return predictors and their impacts hinge on the carbon market conditions, and should be of interest to various stakeholders.

摘 要

本文提出了两种新方法(分位数组 LASSO 和分位数组 SCAD 模型)来评估大量因素对碳期货收益的可预测性。通过两个模型的降维机制选择最强大的预测因子,同时仔细考虑不同碳回报分位数的统计显着预测因子的潜在差异。首先,我们发现所提出的模型在预测准确性方面优于一系列竞争模型。其次,所选预测变量对碳价格分布的影响是通过分位数方法估计的,在我们的案例中,该方法优于平均收缩模型,其数据具有非正态分布特征。具体来说,布伦特现货价格,英国原油收盘价,并且发现英国天然气产量的增长仅在具有强烈不对称特征的极端条件下才会影响碳期货回报。重要的是,我们的估算器对 Covid-19 引起的极端事件保持稳健。我们的研究结果表明,确定合适的碳回报预测因子及其影响取决于碳市场条件,并且应该引起各种利益相关者的兴趣。


The effect of tax incentives on energy intensity: Evidence from China's VAT reform


Qianling Zhou, Tao Li, Liutang Gong


This paper examines the effect of how firms' energy intensity is affected by China's value-added tax reform, which provides permanent tax incentives for firms to invest in fixed assets. Using the difference-in-differences method, a unique firm-level data set is employed to examine the impact of VAT reform on firms' energy intensity. The results show that VAT reform significantly reduces firms' coal intensity by approximately 9%. There is a greater decrease in coal intensity for large-scale firms, firms in energy-intensive industries, and private firms after the reform. By encouraging firms to invest in fixed assets and improve output, this reform achieves an energy-saving effect. Our results shed new light on the effect of tax policy and can help inform the development of energy policies.

摘 要

本文研究了中国增值税改革对企业能源强度的影响,增值税改革为企业投资固定资产提供了永久性税收优惠。使用差分法,采用独特的企业级数据集来检验增值税改革对企业能源强度的影响。结果表明,增值税改革显着降低了企业的煤炭强度约 9%。改革后大型企业、高耗能行业企业和民营企业煤炭强度下降幅度较大。通过鼓励企业投资固定资产和提高产出,这项改革达到了节能效果。我们的结果为税收政策的影响提供了新的启示,并有助于为能源政策的制定提供信息。


Does public participation promote environmental efficiency?Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment of environmental information disclosure in China


Hua Zhang, Tiantian Xu, Chao Feng


Previous literature on improving environmental efficiency largely focuses on the power of the government, ignoring the role of public participation represented by environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs). This paper draws on a quasi-natural experiment generated by the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) in China, which has been publishing the Pollution Information Transparency Index (PITI) since 2008, to evaluate the effectiveness of public participation. We utilize the panel dataset of China's 285 cities from 2003 to 2018 and employ the difference-in-differences (DID) method to investigate the causal impact of environmental information disclosure on environmental efficiency. The empirical results show that compared with non-PITI cities, environmental efficiency in PITI cities improves by 21.11% relative to the sample average. This promotion effect is obvious in the short-term, but disappears in the long-term. Furthermore, the paper proves that curbing pollutant emissions is the main mechanism for the improvements in environmental efficiency. Finally, we explore the heterogeneous treatment effect across different cities, and find that most of the effects come from eastern, developed, large and non-resource-based cities. The findings not only demonstrate the importance of public participation in green development, but also provide empirical evidence for a diversified environmental governance system.

摘 要

以往关于提高环境效率的文献大多侧重于政府的权力,而忽略了以环境非政府组织(ENGO)为代表的公众参与的作用。本文借鉴中国公共与环境事务研究所(IPE)产生的准自然实验,该研究所自 2008 年以来一直发布污染信息透明度指数(PITI),以评估公众参与的有效性。我们利用 2003 年至 2018 年中国 285 个城市的面板数据集,采用差异中的差异(DID)方法研究环境信息披露对环境效率的因果影响。实证结果表明,与非 PITI 城市相比,PITI 城市的环境效率提高了 21 倍。相对于样本平均值为 11%。这种促进作用在短期内很明显,但在长期内就会消失。进一步证明,控制污染物排放是提高环境效率的主要机制。最后,我们探讨了不同城市之间的异质处理效果,发现大部分效果来自东部、发达、大型和非资源型城市。研究结果不仅证明了公众参与在绿色发展中的重要性,而且为多元化的环境治理体系提供了经验证据。我们探索了不同城市的异质处理效果,发现大部分效果来自东部、发达、大型和非资源型城市。研究结果不仅证明了公众参与在绿色发展中的重要性,而且为多元化的环境治理体系提供了经验证据。我们探索了不同城市的异质处理效果,发现大部分效果来自东部、发达、大型和非资源型城市。研究结果不仅证明了公众参与在绿色发展中的重要性,而且为多元化的环境治理体系提供了经验证据。


What determines consumers' acceptance of electric vehicles: A survey in Shanghai, China


Xingrong Zhao, Ye Ma, Shuai Shao, Tieju Ma


In China, although the number of registered electric vehicles (EVs) has recently risen, the market share of EVs is not comparable to that of conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). To identify the determinants of EV acceptance, this study performs a questionnaire survey in Shanghai, the economic center of China and one of the earliest pilot cities for promoting EVs, using the structural equation model (SEM) to investigate the influences of five external factors and eight demographic characteristics on consumers' EV purchases. In particular, we examine the peer effect of consumers to explore the impact of consumer interaction on EV diffusion. Although rarely considered in previous studies, peer effects have a significant impact on the diffusion of new products. In addition, we conduct a heterogeneity analysis between consumers who have bought EVs and those who have not. The results demonstrate that the main buyer of EVs in Shanghai is younger, mainly between 31 and 40 years old. Consumers with high income, high education and living in the city center are more willing to choose EVs, while families with large family members prefer not to buy EVs. Consumers who have not bought EVs are more concerned about EV performance. Consumers who have already purchased EVs pay more attention to the availability of charging facilities and government policies related to EVs, especially the free license plate policy in Shanghai. Particularly, peer effects play a significant role in consumers' EV purchase decisions of the two types of consumers, which proves that the information exchange between peers has a great influence on their purchase decisions. This study provides evidence for the catalytic role of peer effects in consumers' purchasing of EVs. The outcomes of this paper provide evidence for governments and enterprises on the importance of the role of peer effects and consumer heterogeneity in EV diffusion.

摘 要

在中国,虽然最近注册的电动汽车(EV)的数量有所增加,但电动汽车的市场份额无法与传统的内燃机汽车(ICEV)相媲美。为确定电动汽车接受度的决定因素,本研究在中国经济中心和最早的电动汽车推广试点城市之一上海进行问卷调查,使用结构方程模型(SEM)调查五个外部因素的影响和消费者购买电动汽车的八个人口统计特征。特别是,我们研究了消费者的同伴效应,以探索消费者互动对电动汽车扩散的影响。尽管在以前的研究中很少考虑,同行效应对新产品的传播有重大影响。此外,我们在购买了电动汽车的消费者和没有购买电动汽车的消费者之间进行了异质性分析。结果表明,上海电动汽车的主要购买者更年轻,主要在 31 至 40 岁之间。高收入、高学历和居住在市中心的消费者更愿意选择电动汽车,而家庭成员多的家庭则不喜欢购买电动汽车。没有买过电动车的消费者更关心电动车的性能。已经购买电动汽车的消费者更关注充电设施的可用性和电动汽车相关的政府政策,尤其是上海的免费上牌政策。特别是,同行效应在两类消费者的电动汽车购买决策中发挥着重要作用,这证明了同行之间的信息交流对他们的购买决策有很大的影响。这项研究为同伴效应在消费者购买电动汽车中的催化作用提供了证据。本文的结果为政府和企业提供了关于同行效应和消费者异质性在电动汽车扩散中的重要性的证据。


Energy transition in the UKCS – Modelling the effects of carbon emission charges on upstream petroleum operations

UKCS 的能源转型——模拟碳排放费用对上游石油业务的影响

Yakubu Abdul-Salam, Alex Kemp, Euan Phimister


The UK has ambitious decarbonisation, climate change mitigation and energy transition goals. The upstream petroleum sector in the UK shares in these goals, as evidenced by its North Sea Transition Deal and as set out in its sector ‘Roadmap 2035’ for emissions reduction. Participation in an emissions trading scheme as a mechanism for achieving these goals is a key strategy identified in the sector roadmap. Currently, only qualifying installations in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are charged for their emissions. Notwithstanding, prudent non-qualifying operators are also now incorporating these charges in their financial models for asset valuation purposes. This paper uses a recently updated database of 21 new UKCS fields to examine the effects of carbon emission charges on upstream petroleum operations in the province. We find that emission charges increase operating expenditures, which results (1) an acceleration of the timing of the economic limit of fields, leading to significantly lower petroleum production and carbon emissions; and (2) a reduction in the economic value of petroleum fields hence diminishing the competitiveness of the UKCS. These outcomes advance the energy transition cause of the UK. However, they give rise to major implications for the UK, including energy security, jobs, risk of exposure to a carbon leakage situation, and so on. We advocate a ‘just transition’ approach to energy transition, where petroleum production in the UKCS progresses but with a carbon footprint that is reduced and consistent with an economic optimum.

摘 要

英国有雄心勃勃的脱碳、减缓气候变化和能源转型目标。英国的上游石油部门也参与了这些目标,其北海过渡协议和其部门“2035 年减排路线图”就证明了这一点。参与排放交易计划作为实现这些目标的机制是行业路线图中确定的一项关键战略。目前,只有在英国大陆架 (UKCS) 中符合条件的装置才会对其排放收费。尽管如此,出于资产估值目的,谨慎的不合格运营商现在也将这些费用纳入其财务模型。本文使用最近更新的 21 个新 UKCS 油田的数据库来检查碳排放费用对该省上游石油业务的影响。我们发现排放费用增加了运营支出,这导致(1)加速了油田经济限制的时间,导致石油产量和碳排放量显着降低;(2) 油田的经济价值降低,从而削弱了 UKCS 的竞争力。这些成果推动了英国的能源转型事业。然而,它们对英国产生了重大影响,包括能源安全、就业、碳泄漏风险等。我们提倡能源转型的“公正转型”方法,在这种情况下,UKCS 的石油生产取得进展,但碳足迹减少并符合经济最优值。显着降低石油产量和碳排放;(2) 油田的经济价值降低,从而削弱了 UKCS 的竞争力。这些成果推动了英国的能源转型事业。然而,它们对英国产生了重大影响,包括能源安全、就业、碳泄漏风险等。我们提倡能源转型的“公正转型”方法,在这种情况下,UKCS 的石油生产取得进展,但碳足迹减少并符合经济最优值。显着降低石油产量和碳排放;(2) 油田的经济价值降低,从而削弱了 UKCS 的竞争力。这些成果推动了英国的能源转型事业。然而,它们对英国产生了重大影响,包括能源安全、就业、碳泄漏风险等。我们提倡能源转型的“公正转型”方法,在这种情况下,UKCS 的石油生产取得进展,但碳足迹减少并符合经济最优值。它们对英国产生重大影响,包括能源安全、就业、碳泄漏风险等。我们提倡能源转型的“公正转型”方法,在这种情况下,UKCS 的石油生产取得进展,但碳足迹减少并符合经济最优值。它们对英国产生重大影响,包括能源安全、就业、碳泄漏风险等。我们提倡能源转型的“公正转型”方法,在这种情况下,UKCS 的石油生产取得进展,但碳足迹减少并符合经济最优值。


Using cognition and risk to explain the intention-behavior gap on bioenergy production: Based on machine learning logistic regression method


Ke He, Lihong Ye, Fanlue Li, Huayi Chang, ... Junbiao Zhang


Bioenergy production is a certain economy energy utilization mode, which is of great economic and ecological benefits. Only when pig farmers have consistent intentions and behaviors to participate in bioenergy production, can the intentions play their role in effectively predicting behaviors. Based on the machine learning logistic regression method, taking biogas produced by swine manure as an example, we explore the role of cognition and risk in bridging the intention-behavior gap in bioenergy production. Unlike previous studies, we find that for bioenergy production, a pro-environmental behavior with positive externalities, an individual's perception of environmental policy plays a better role in driving the intention-to-behavior transition than the individual's perception of bioenergy production. From the risk perspective, our results also suggest that the key factor hindering an intention to change behavior is the individual's risk preferences rather than the degree of risk associated with bioenergy production. Policy makers could consider this observed heterogeneity when it comes to aspects such as greater highlight on environmental policy advocacy, and collaboration with insurance companies to develop products for bioenergy production.

摘 要



Time-varying spillover effects and investment strategies between WTI crude oil, natural gas and Chinese stock markets related to belt and road initiative


Zhifeng Dai, Haoyang Zhu


This paper investigates the return volatility spillover effects and the dynamic relationships among WTI crude oil futures, Natural Gas futures, and the Chinese stock markets related to Belt and Road initiative employing the method of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012, 2014) based on TVP-VAR model and generalized forecast error variance decomposition. Our empirical results show that there exists a high interdependence among all analyzed assets, and the total volatility spillover has a sharp increase under the major crisis events. On average, WTI, GAS and the stock markets of FM, AGR and COM are the net receivers of systematic shocks, while the stock markets of EU, HSR and INF are the net transmitters of systematic shocks. Besides, we also calculate the hedge ratios, the optimal portfolio weights and the corresponding hedging effectiveness based on DCC-GARCH t-copula model. We find that WTI crude oil and Natural Gas futures are cheap hedging tools. When investing a small part in WTI crude oil future market and a large part in the analyzed stock markets, or investing a small part in the analyzed stock markets and a large part in Natural Gas future market, high hedging effectiveness could be achieved.

摘 要

本文采用基于 TVP-VAR 的 Diebold 和 Yilmaz (2012, 2014) 方法,研究了 WTI 原油期货、天然气期货和中国股票市场与“一带一路”倡议相关的收益波动溢出效应和动态关系。模型和广义预测误差方差分解。我们的实证结果表明,所有分析资产之间存在高度的相互依赖关系,在重大危机事件下,总波动溢出急剧增加。平均而言,WTI、GAS 和 FM、AGR、COM 股市是系统性冲击的净接收者,而 EU、HSR 和 INF 股市是系统性冲击的净传递者。此外,我们还计算对冲比率,基于 DCC-GARCH t-copula 模型的最优投资组合权重及相应的套期保值有效性。我们发现 WTI 原油和天然气期货是廉价的对冲工具。当小部分投资WTI原油期货市场,大部分投资分析股票市场,或者投资小部分投资分析股票市场,大部分投资天然气期货市场时,可以实现较高的套期保值效果。


Foreign aid and energy poverty: Sub-national evidence from Senegal


Musharavati Ephraim Munyanyi, Sefa Awaworyi Churchill


We contribute to the literature on foreign aid effectiveness and energy poverty by examining the effect of foreign aid on energy poverty. Using five rounds of the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and sub-national aid data for Senegal, we find that aid lowers the probability of energy poverty. Our main results show that living within a 25-km radius of an aid project reduces the likelihood of being energy poor by 3.3 percentage points. This finding is robust to a suite of sensitivity checks. We also examine four channels through which aid could influence energy poverty – income poverty, education, health and economic growth – and find that income poverty, education and economic growth are mechanisms through which aid transmits to energy poverty.

摘 要

我们通过研究外援对能源贫困的影响,为有关外援有效性和能源贫困的文献做出贡献。使用五轮人口与健康调查 (DHS) 和塞内加尔的地方援助数据,我们发现援助降低了能源贫困的可能性。我们的主要结果表明,居住在援助项目 25 公里半径范围内的能源匮乏的可能性降低了 3.3 个百分点。这一发现对一套敏感性检查是稳健的。我们还研究了援助影响能源贫困的四个渠道——收入贫困、教育、健康和经济增长——并发现收入贫困、教育和经济增长是援助传递给能源贫困的机制。


Regulatory reforms and the efficiency and productivity growth in electricity generation in OECD countries


Satya Paul, Sriram Shankar


This paper examines how the energy sector regulatory reforms undertaken in the OECD have had an impact on efficiency and productivity growth in electricity generation during 1980–2013. A stochastic production frontier model that accommodates time-invariant heterogeneity and efficiency effects is applied to the panel data for 25 OECD countries. To ensure that the efficiency scores lie in a unit interval, the efficiency effects are specified by a probit distribution function of three regulatory reforms (vertical integration, entry liberalisation and privatisation) and two control variables. The parametric equivalent of TFP Malmquist index is decomposed into efficiency, scale, and technical changes. Empirical results reveal that vertical disintegration boosts the level of efficiency in the OECD. The fully private-owned and fully public-owned enterprises that co-exist in the OECD region are more efficient than the mixed enterprises. Over the period of study, productivity has grown by 9.69% with an average annual growth rate of 0.27%. This is facilitated by an improvement in efficiency and shift in frontier due to technological innovations.

摘 要

本文研究了 1980-2013 年间,经合组织开展的能源部门监管改革如何对发电效率和生产率增长产生影响。适应时不变异质性和效率效应的随机生产前沿模型应用于 25 个经合组织国家的面板数据。为确保效率得分位于单位区间内,效率影响由三个监管改革(纵向一体化、准入自由化和私有化)和两个控制变量的概率分布函数指定。TFP Malmquist 指数的参数等值分解为效率、规模和技术变化。实证结果表明,纵向解体提高了经合组织的效率水平。在经合组织地区并存的完全私有和完全公有企业比混合企业效率更高。在研究期间,生产力以年均0.27%的速度增长了9.69%。这得益于技术创新带来的效率提高和前沿转移。


Spatial merit order effects of renewables in the Italian power exchange


Rita De Siano, Alessandro Sapio


Estimating the merit order effect of renewable energy sources provides key information inputs in several domains, notably in the design of green energy policies. Given the spatial nature of electricity supply and demand, it is important to disentangle the direct effect of renewables on zonal electricity prices from spatial spillovers. In this paper, we estimate spatial econometric models of the Italian zonal electricity prices, using IPEx daily average prices in the time window 2009–2015, for 6 market zones. The best specification is a spatial Durbin model including wind power, solar power, and hydropower production, as well as control variables. The model is estimated under different assumptions on the spatial-weighting matrix and in 3 sub-periods. Direct and indirect merit order effects are found stronger over time, especially for wind power; but the estimated merit order effect is smaller than in non-spatial models, suggesting that our analysis is capable of accounting for spatial spillovers.

摘 要

估计可再生能源的优劣顺序效应提供了多个领域的关键信息输入,特别是在绿色能源政策的设计中。鉴于电力供需的空间性质,将可再生能源对区域电价的直接影响与空间溢出分离开来很重要。在本文中,我们使用 2009-2015 年时间窗口的 IPEx 每日平均价格对 6 个市场区域估计意大利区域电价的空间计量经济学模型。最好的规范是空间杜宾模型,包括风能、太阳能和水力发电,以及控制变量。该模型是在空间加权矩阵的不同假设下和在 3 个子周期中估计的。随着时间的推移,直接和间接的优劣顺序效应越来越强,尤其是风电。


Shale revolution, oil and gas prices, and drilling activities in the United States


Shishir Shakya, Bingxin Li, Xiaoli Etienne


We investigate the interplay between energy prices and drilling activities in the United States and how this relationship has evolved due to the shale revolution. We hypothesize that (1) there exists significant information spillover between drilling activities and energy prices; (2) the amount of information transmitted between drilling activities and energy prices has increased since the shale boom; (3) natural gas market is increasingly important information transmitter since the rise of unconventional oil and gas production. Using connectedness indexes constructed based on vector autoregressive models and data from 1997 to 2019, we find support for all three hypotheses. In particular, the linkage between drilling activities, measured by active rotary rigs in operation, and oil and gas prices in the US has strengthened since 2012. Oil and gas drilling activities have become more responsive to price variations during the shale revolution. However, the information transmitted from oil prices to rig count declined when oil prices fluctuated in a relatively stable range toward the end of the sample period. In contrast, the information transmitted from gas prices to gas rig counts has increased during the same time frame.

摘 要

我们调查了美国能源价格与钻井活动之间的相互作用,以及这种关系如何因页岩革命而演变。我们假设(1)钻井活动和能源价格之间存在显着的信息溢出;(2) 自页岩热潮以来,钻井活动与能源价格之间传递的信息量有所增加;(3) 天然气市场是非常规油气生产兴起以来日益重要的信息传递者。使用基于向量自回归模型和 1997 年至 2019 年数据构建的连通性指数,我们找到了对所有三个假设的支持。特别是,自 2012 年以来,以活跃的旋转钻机衡量的钻井活动与美国石油和天然气价格之间的联系有所加强。在页岩革命期间,石油和天然气钻探活动对价格变化的反应更加灵敏。然而,当油价在样本期结束时在相对稳定的范围内波动时,从油价传递到钻机数量的信息会下降。相比之下,从天然气价格传递到天然气钻机数量的信息在同一时间范围内有所增加。


How does economic agglomeration affect energy efficiency in China?: Evidence from endogenous stochastic frontier approach


Mengmeng Xu, Ruipeng Tan, Xinju He


The energy consumption and economic agglomeration degree in China have both grown rapidly in the past several years. It is expected that China will complete its urbanization process in the near future in which the energy demand may surge, so energy conservation will become extremely important. Thus, investigating how the degree of economic agglomeration influences energy efficiency is imperative. However, because of reverse causality, the endogeneity problem of the degree of economic agglomeration makes it difficult to identify the effect of economic agglomeration on energy efficiency. This paper adopts a novel stochastic frontier methodology to examine the relationship between them on the condition of addressing endogeneity well. Using the data from Chinese cities and adopting different instrumental variables, we find that the economic agglomeration degree has an inverted U-shaped impact on energy efficiency. When the economic agglomeration degree is below the critical point, its increase can improve the energy efficiency. After crossing the critical point, its increase will decrease the energy efficiency. Our findings are robust to concerns such as measurement of economic agglomeration degree, instrumental variable adequacy, and production function form in the model. We show that failure to address endogeneity will underestimate energy efficiency and obtain a biased conclusion about the relationship between the degree of economic agglomeration and energy efficiency. Our findings demonstrate that an agglomeration development strategy can be adopted to increase energy efficiency and conserve energy in current China.

摘 要



Evaluating the impacts of reforming and integrating China's electricity sector


Hao Chen, Jian Cui, Feng Song, Zhigao Jiang


Addressing the efficiency–equity–environment trade-off is an important part of implementing electricity sector reform. To support China's electricity market reform, this study conducts an ex-ante analysis to quantify the economic, distributional and environmental effects of marketization and integration. Three scenarios are designed based on the current reform progress and possible reform directions, including a planning scenario, a provincial market scenario and a regional market scenario. Using high-frequency data of electricity load, production and trade from five southern Chinese provinces in 2018, we quantify the impacts on electricity generation mix, wholesale prices, carbon emissions and social welfare. The potential welfare improvement achieved from establishing provincial markets is 14.3 billion yuan, which could be further increased to 21.0 billion yuan by integrating the provincial markets into a regional market. The regional average wholesale price could be reduced by 23.5% 22.7% and (regional market) (provincial market), respectively. The carbon emissions could be reduced by about 12.4 million tons (2.4%) in the provincial market scenario and 16.6 million tons (3.2%) in the regional market scenario. Moreover, individual provinces are affected heterogeneously from the marketization and integration, and the potential winners and losers have been identified from market reform. The regional market performs better than the provincial market in terms of overall efficiency gains and environmental outcomes but worse in addressing equity concerns.

摘 要

解决效率 - 公平 - 环境的权衡是实施电力部门改革的重要组成部分。为支持中国电力市场改革,本研究进行了事前分析以量化市场化和整合的经济、分配和环境影响。根据当前的改革进展和可能的改革方向,设计了三种情景,包括规划情景、省级市场情景和区域市场情景。利用 2018 年中国南方五省电力负荷、生产和贸易的高频数据,我们量化了对发电结构、批发价格、碳排放和社会福利的影响。建立省级市场的潜在福利改善为143亿元,通过将省级市场整合为区域市场,可进一步提高到210亿元。区域平均批发价格可降低23.5% 22.7% 和(区域市场)(省级市场),分别。省级市场情景可减少碳排放约1240万吨(2.4%),区域市场情景可减少1660万吨(3.2%)。此外,个别省份受到市场化和一体化的异质性影响,市场化改革已经确定了潜在的赢家和输家。区域市场在整体效率提升和环境成果方面表现优于省级市场,但在解决公平问题方面表现较差。从市场改革中确定了潜在的赢家和输家。区域市场在整体效率提升和环境成果方面表现优于省级市场,但在解决公平问题方面表现较差。从市场改革中确定了潜在的赢家和输家。区域市场在整体效率提升和环境成果方面表现优于省级市场,但在解决公平问题方面表现较差。


Extreme price co-movement of commodity futures and industrial production growth: An empirical evaluation


Xiaoqian Wen, Yuxin Xie, Athanasios A. Pantelous


This paper studies how the extreme price co-movement of commodity futures indicates industrial production (IP) growth. In this regard, we model synchronized movements and large price changes into one measure by characterizing upside and downside price extremes. We find that the derived price extremes are positively associated with IP growth over the next quarter. We further conclude that such impact is not symmetric, as the impact led by downside extremes is robust whereas that of upside extremes is not. Our results reinforce the informational friction theory as well as those financial studies that emphasize downside risk.

摘 要

本文研究商品期货的极端价格联动如何表明工业生产 (IP) 增长。在这方面,我们通过描述价格上行和下行的极端情况,将同步运动和大的价格变化建模为一种衡量标准。我们发现,衍生价格极值与下一季度的 IP 增长呈正相关。我们进一步得出结论,这种影响是不对称的,因为极端下行的影响是强劲的,而上行极端的影响则不是。我们的结果强化了信息摩擦理论以及那些强调下行风险的金融研究。
















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